
View Demo Video ***** Function :
- Seri 'Find the pair' - Memory Card Game (Game tìm cặp luyện trí nhớ)
- FizZo (Tìm Năm tuổi - Find Your Zodiac)
- Ăn Chay Hôm Nay
- VietNam Online Stamp
- Vietnam Online News
- Đại Bi Thập Chú
Develop on : Android Studio, Eclipse, MySQL Lite

Thanh Bình Restaurant

View Demo Video ***** Function : List Dishes on menu by category
Develop on : Original Php, Ajax, HighSlide, mysql

A Football Group Centre Demo

View Demo Video ***** Function : Blog Event, Courses with category, Football Course Online Registed application form, Extract Data to CSV File
Develop on : Original Php, Ajax, Responsive Design, Mysql

UB Phone

View Demo Video ***** Function : Responsive Design Display and Compare price on Area, Read CSV data and display on web form
Develop on: original php, ajax, jquery

Simple Manage Admin News

View Demo Video ***** Function : Admin User Login, Forgot Password, Users Mangement , News Management, Display News on Main Site
Develop : Frame CodeIgniter - Php Codining, Ajax, Mysql

Broadcast Mail System

View Demo Video ***** Function : Login, User Management, Receiver Management (Update, Import, ...), Broadcast Management (Update Template, Sending out, ...)
Develop : Convert from CakePHP to FuelPhp, Ajax, Response Design Mysql

Waste Oil Collect System

View Demo Video ***** Function : Login, User Management by Group, Oil Shops Management, Oil Collect Company Management, Setting Oil Rate Management, Collect Oil History Management, Import/Export Data to Excel file follow the specified templates
Develop : FuelPhp Frame Work, Ajax, Response Design Mysql

Taxifun Process Payment Confirm Pages

View Demo Video ***** Function : Intergate Paypal Website Payments Pro Business Gateway Payment on Wordpress Site
Develop : Wordpress, Paypal hostedSoleSolutionProcess Api, Paypal Sandbox

Artcraft 123

View Demo Video ***** Function : List Product on menu by category
Develop on : Original php, ajax, HighSlide, Mysql


View Demo Video ***** Function : Custom on Drupal 7 to build site as Client HTML templates on PC and Smartphone
- Manage & Display Blog&News
- Manage & Display Coordinates
- Manage & Display Users
- Display Static Reports
- Searching Blog&News, Coordinates
Develop on : CMS Drupal 7(php), MySQL, phpMyAdmin


View Demo Video ***** Function : Re-build design Wordpress Font-page and update some new functions as Client HTML templates
- Display Article By Category
- Display Article By Taxonomy Genre / Group Taxonomy Genre & Link Group Taxonomy Genre by NGIXN
Develop on : Wordpress, MySQL, phpMyAdmin


View Demo Video ***** Function : Centre Sport Web Search on PC
- Manage & Display Info Course By City of Center, Instructor, Courses ...
- Display information on page by multiple filters by Ajax, Jquery
Develop on : Laravel 5.4 Framwork, MySQL, phpMyAdmin


***** Function : Apply Stripe Payment, Responsibiity Backend Maintenance Functions and the last phrase till the release 1.0
- Display Products Catalog of Enterprise
- Display Complete Search Enterprise & Import/Export Enterprise User Data on CMS
Develop on : Laravel Framwork, MySQL, phpMyAdmin